12Power to exempt
The appropriate Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, exempt from all or any of the provisions of this Act and of the regulations, or such conditions, if any, as it thinks fit--
(a) any port or place, dock, wharf, quay or similar premises, if that Government is satisfied that dock work is only occasionally carried on or the traffic is small and confined to small ships and fishing vessels at such port, dock, wharf, quay or similar premises; or
(b) any specified ship or class of ships, if that Government is satisfied, having regard to the features of such ship or ships, the nature, quantum and periodicity of dock work carried thereon and all other relevant factors, that it is necessary so to do:
Provided that the appropriate Government shall not grant exemption under this section unless it is satisfied that such exemption will not adversely affect the health, safety and welfare of dock workers.
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- 1 Short title, extent, commencement and application
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Inspectors
- 4 Powers of Inspectors
- 5 Powers of Inspectors where employment of dock workers are dangerous
- 6 Facilities to be afforded to an Inspector
- 7 Restrictions on disclosure of information
- 8 Appeal
- 9 Advisory Committee
- 10 Power of appropriate Government to direct inquiry into cases of accidents or diseases
- 11 Obligations of dock workers
- 12 Power to exempt
- 13 Protection of action taken in good faith
- 14 Penalties
- 15 Determination of the persons responsible for the offence in certain cases
- 16 Power of court to make orders
- 17 Provisions relating to jurisdiction
- 18 Provision regarding fine
- 19 General provision for punishment for other offences
- 20 Power to make rules
- 21 Power to make regulations
- 22 General provision relating to rules and regulations
- 23 Amendment of Act 9 of 1948
- 24 Repeal
- 25 Savings