The Apprentices Act
[Repeal.] Rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1964 (52 of 1964), s. 2 and the First Schedule (w.e.f. 29-12-1964).
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- 23 Authorities
- 24 Constitution of Councils
- 25 Vacancies not to invalidate acts and proceedings
- 26 Apprenticeship Advisers
- 27 Deputy and Assistant Apprenticeship Advisers
- 28 Apprenticeship Advisers to be public servants
- 29 Powers of entry, inspection, etc
- 30 Offences and penalties
- 31 Penalty where no specific penalty is provided
- 32 Offences by companies
- 33 Cognizance of offences
- 34 Delegation of powers
- 35 Construction of references
- 36 Protection of action taken in good faith
- 37 Power to make rules
- 38 Repeal