The Wild Life (Protection) Act
62Declaration of certain wild animals to be vermin
1[The Central Government] may, by notification, declare any wild animal other than those specified in Schedule I and Part II of Schedule II to be vermin for any area and for such period as may be specified therein and so long as such notification is in force, such wild animal shall be deemed to have been included in Schedule V.
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1. Subs. by s. 45, ibid., for certain words (w.e.f. 2-10-1991).
- 59 Officers to be public servants
- 60 Protection of action taken in good faith
- 60A Reward to persons
- 60B Reward by State Government
- 61 Power to alter entries in Schedule
- 62 Declaration of certain wild animals to be vermin
- 63 Power of Central Government to make rule
- 64 Power of State Government to make rules
- 65 Rights of Scheduled Tribes to be protected
- 66 Repeal and savings