17Government to provide means of crossing canals
There shall be provided, at the cost of the State Government, suitable means of crossing canals constructed or maintained at the cost of the State Government, at such places as the State Government thinks necessary for the reasonable convenience of the inhabitants of the adjacent lands.
On receiving a statement in writing, signed by not less than five of the owners of such lands, to the effect that suitable crossings have not been provided on any canal, the Collector shall cause enquiry to be made into the circumstances of the case and if he thinks that the statement is established, he shall report his opinion thereon for the consideration of the State Government, and the State Government shall cause such measures in reference thereto to be taken as it thinks proper.
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- 14 Power to enter and survey, etc
- 15 Power to enter for repairs and to prevent accidents
- 16 Application by persons desiring to use canal-water
- 17 Government to provide means of crossing canals
- 18 Persons using water-course to construct works for passing water across roads, etc
- 19 Adjustment of claims between persons jointly using water-course
- 20 Supply of water through intervening wafer-course
- 21 Application for construction of new water-course
- 22 Procedure of Canal-officer thereupon
- 23 Application for transfer of existing water-course
- 24 Objections to construction or transfer applied for
- 25 When applicant may be placed in occupation
- 26 Procedure when objection is held valid
- 27 Procedure when Canal-officer disagrees with Collector
- 28 Expenses to be paid by applicant before receiving occupation
- 29 Conditions binding on applicant placed in occupation
- 30 Procedure applicable to occupation for extensions and alterations