60Other duties of a police officer
It shall be the duty of every police officer—
(a) promptly to serve every summons and obey and execute every warrant or other order lawfully issued to him by the competent authority and to comply with all lawful commands of his superior;
(b) to the best of his ability, to obtain intelligence concerning the commission of cognizable offences or designs to commit such offences and to lay such information and to take such other steps consistent with law and with the orders of his superiors as shall be best calculated to bring offenders to justice and to prevent the commission of cognizable and, within his view, of non-cognizable offences;
(c) to prevent to the best of his ability the commission of public nuisances;
(d) to apprehend without unreasonable delay all persons whom he is legally authorised to apprehend and for whose apprehension there is sufficient reason;
(e) to aid any other police officer when called upon by such other police officer or in the case of need in the discharge of the duty of such other police officer, in such ways as would be lawful and reasonable on the part of the officer aided;
(f) to prevent the breach of the public peace;
(g) to afford every assistance within his power to disabled or helpless persons in the streets;
(h) to take charge of intoxicated persons and of lunatics at large, who appear dangerous or incapable or taking care of themselves;
(i) to take prompt measures to procure necessary help for any person under arrest or in custody, who is wounded or sick and whilst guarding or conducting any such person to have due regard to his condition;
(j) to arrange for the proper sustenance and shelter of every person who is under arrest or in custody;
(k) in conducting searches, to refrain from needless rudeness and the causing of unnecessary annoyance;
(l) in dealing with women and children, to act with strict regard to decency and with reasonable gentleness;
(m) to use his best endeavours to prevent any loss or damage by fire;
(n) to use his best endeavours to avert any accident or danger to the public;
(o) to regulate and control the traffic in the streets, to prevent obstructions therein and to the best of his ability, to prevent the contravention of any rule, regulation or order made under this Act or any other law in force for observance by the public in or near the streets;
(p) to keep order in the streets and at and within public bathing and washing places, fairs, temples and all other places of public resort and in the neighbourhood of places of public worship;
(q) to regulate resort to public bathing and washing places and all other places of public resort, to prevent overcrowding there and to the best of his ability, to prevent the contravention of any regulation or order lawfully made for observance by the public at such place; and
(r) to discharge such other duties as are imposed upon him by any law for the time being in force.
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- 59 Duty of police officer to enforce provisions of the Act
- 60 Other duties of a police officer
- 61 Power to enter places of public resort
- 62 Power to search suspected persons in street, etc
- 63 Emergency duties of police
- 64 Superior police officer may himself perform duties imposed on a subordinate officer
- 65 Persons bound to comply with the reasonable directions of police officer