The Chemical Weapons Convention Act
32Report of arrest and seizure
Whenever any person makes any arrest or seizure under this Act, he shall, within forty-eight hours next after such arrest or seizure, make a full report of all the particulars of such arrest or seizure to his immediate superior officer.
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- 19 Power of Inspector to inspect any person or place
- 20 Enforcement officer to enter into any place for examining and testing facility or to conduct search
- 21 Certain acts to constitute an offence
- 22 Power to issue warrant and authorisation
- 23 Power of entry, search, seizure and arrest without warrant or authorisation
- 24 Power of seizure and arrest in public places
- 25 Procedure where seizure of goods liable to confiscation not possible
- 26 Power to stop and search conveyance
- 27 Conditions under which search of persons be conducted
- 28 Provisions of Act 2 of 1974 to apply to arrests, searches and seizures
- 29 Disposal of persons arrested and goods seized
- 30 Power to invest officers of the National Authority, etc., with powers of an officer in charge of a police station
- 31 Police to take charge of goods seized and delivered
- 32 Report of arrest and seizure
- 33 Liability of Toxic Chemical, Precursor and conveyance to confiscation
- 34 Confiscation of Goods used for concealing Toxic Chemicals or Precursors
- 35 Confiscation of sale proceeds of goods
- 36 Procedure in making confiscation
- 37 Power to call for information, etc
- 38 Information as to commission of offences