27Conditions under which search of persons be conducted
(1) When any subordinate officer authorised under section 23 or any subordinate officer exercising power in pursuance of sub-section (3) of section 22 is about to search any person under the provisions of section 22 or section 23 or section 24, he shall, if such person so requires, take such person without unnecessary delay to the nearest enforcement officer or the officer authorising such search or the nearest Magistrate.
(2) If such requisition is made, the officer may detain the person until he can bring him before the officer or the Magistrate referred to in sub-section (1).
(3) The officer or the Magistrate before whom any such person is brought shall, if he sees no reasonable ground for search, forthwith discharge the person but otherwise shall direct that search be made.
(4) No female shall be searched by anyone excepting a female.
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- 19 Power of Inspector to inspect any person or place
- 20 Enforcement officer to enter into any place for examining and testing facility or to conduct search
- 21 Certain acts to constitute an offence
- 22 Power to issue warrant and authorisation
- 23 Power of entry, search, seizure and arrest without warrant or authorisation
- 24 Power of seizure and arrest in public places
- 25 Procedure where seizure of goods liable to confiscation not possible
- 26 Power to stop and search conveyance
- 27 Conditions under which search of persons be conducted
- 28 Provisions of Act 2 of 1974 to apply to arrests, searches and seizures
- 29 Disposal of persons arrested and goods seized
- 30 Power to invest officers of the National Authority, etc., with powers of an officer in charge of a police station
- 31 Police to take charge of goods seized and delivered
- 32 Report of arrest and seizure
- 33 Liability of Toxic Chemical, Precursor and conveyance to confiscation
- 34 Confiscation of Goods used for concealing Toxic Chemicals or Precursors
- 35 Confiscation of sale proceeds of goods
- 36 Procedure in making confiscation
- 37 Power to call for information, etc
- 38 Information as to commission of offences