153Grounds of abatement of fixed money rent
The fixed money rent or the bighori, determined under section 151, of an occupancy, an exproprietary of a hereditary tenant shall be liable to abatement on one or more of the following grounds:--
(a) that the rent payable by the tenant is substantially greater than the rent calculated at the sanctioned rates appropriate to him; or
(b) that the productive power of the land held by the tenant has decreased by any cause beyond the control of the tenant during the currency of the present rent; or
(c) in case of fixed money rent, that the area of his holding has been decreased by diluvion, or by the taking up of land for a public purpose, or for a work of public utility.
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- 151 Commutation of rent from kind to cash
- 152 Commutation of rent from cash to kind
- 153 Grounds of abatement of fixed money rent
- 154 Ground of enhancement of fixed money rent
- 155 Order for determination, commutation or variation of rent, when to take effect
- 156 Joinder of parties in cases relating to variation of rent
- 157 Determination of rent on partial ejectment
- 158 Rent, how calculated for commutation, variation or determination
- 159 Meaning of "substantial" in certain sections
- 160 Basis of variation of rent in certain cases
- 161 Period for which rent is not liable to modification
- 162 Applications for variation of rent, by whom to be entertained