20BRegister of shareholders
1[20B. Register of shareholders.--(1) The Small Industries Bank shall keep at its head office a register, in one or more books, of the shareholders and shall enter therein the following particulars so far as they may be available, namely:--
(i) the names, addresses and occupations, if any, of the shareholders and a statement of the shares held by each shareholder, distinguishing each share by its denoting number;
(ii) the date on which each person is so entered as a shareholder;
(iii) the date on which any person ceases to be a shareholder; and
(iv) such other particulars as may be prescribed:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to the shares held with a depository under the Depositories Act, 1996 (22 of 1996).
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), it shall be lawful for the Small Industries Bank to keep the register of the shareholders in computer floppies, diskettes, compact disk or any other electronic form, subject to such safeguards, as may be prescribed.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (1 of 1872), a copy of, or extract from, the register of the shareholders, certified to be a true copy under the hand of an officer of the Small Industries Bank authorised in this behalf, shall, in all legal proceedings, be admissible in evidence.
(4) The Register of beneficial owners maintained by a depository under section 11 of the Depositories Act, 1996 (22 of 1996) shall be deemed to be a Register of the shareholders for the purposes of this Act.]
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1. Ins. by s. 12, ibid. (w.e.f. 27-3-2000).