The Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces Act
[Amendment of sections 2, 4 and 31, Act 45 of 1950.] Rep. by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1957 (36 of 1957), s. 2 and the First Schedule.
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All sections
- 1 Short title, extent and commencement
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Appointment of competent authority
- 4 Constitution of Regular Air Force Reserve
- 5 Recruitment to the Regular Air Force Reserve
- 6 Classes of person in the Regular Air Force Reserve
- 7 Period of service
- 8 Termination of service in the Reserve
- 9 Constitution of Air Defence Reserve
- 10 Classes of persons in the Air Defence Reserve
- 11 Obligation to register
- 12 Liability to be called up for inquiry
- 13 Calling-up for inquiry
- 14 Medical examination
- 15 Registration of persons considered fit for enrolment
- 16 Calling up for service
- 17 Period of service
- 18 Constitution of Auxiliary Air Force
- 19 Classes of persons in the Auxiliary Air Force
- 20 Officers of the Auxiliary Air Force
- 21 Persons eligible for enrolment
- 22 Period of service
- 23 Termination of service
- 24 Advisory Committees
- 25 Liability to be called up for service
- 26 Application of Air Force Act, 1950
- 27 Reinstatement in civil employ of persons required to perform service under this Act
- 28 Preservation of certain rights of persons called up for service
- 29 Pay and allowances
- 30 Penalties
- 31 Service of notice
- 32 Competent authority to be public servant
- 33 Power of Central Government to grant exemptions
- 34 Power to make rules
- 35 Repealed
- 36 . Repealed