3Registrar-General, India
(1) The Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a person to be known as the Registrar-General, India.
(2) The Central Government may also appoint such other officers with such designations as it thinks fit for the purpose of discharging under the superintendence and direction of the Registrar-General, such functions of the Registrar-General under this Act as he may, from time to time, authorise them to discharge.
(3) The Registrar-General may issue general directions regarding registration of births and deaths in the territories to which this Act extends, and shall take steps to co-ordinate and unify the activities of Chief Registrars in the matter of registration of births and deaths and submit to the Central Government an annual report on the working of this Act in the said territories.
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- 1 Short title, extent and commencement
- 2 Definitions and interpretation
- 3 Registrar-General, India
- 4 Chief Registrar
- 5 Registration divisions
- 6 District Registrar
- 7 Registrars
- 8 Persons required to register births and deaths
- 9 Special provisions regarding births and deaths in a plantation
- 10 Duty of certain persons to notify births and deaths and to certify cause of death
- 11 Informant to sign the register
- 12 Extracts of registration entries to be given to informant
- 13 Delayed registration of births and deaths
- 14 Registration of name of child
- 15 Correction or cancellation of entry in the register of births and deaths
- 16 Registrars to keep registers in the prescribed form
- 17 Search of births and deaths registe
- 18 Inspection of registration office
- 19 Registrars to send periodical returns to the Chief Registrar for compilation
- 20 Special provision as to registration of births and deaths of citizens outside India
- 21 Power of Registrar to obtain information regarding birth or deat
- 22 Powers to give directions
- 23 Penalties
- 24 Power to compound offences
- 25 Sanction for prosecution
- 26 Registrars and Sub-Registrars to be deemed public servant
- 27 Delegation of powers
- 28 Protection of action taken in good faith
- 29 Act not to be in derogation of Act 6 of 188
- 30 Power to make rules
- 31 Repeal and saving
- 32 Power to remove difficulty