4Provision for maintenance and residence to female contracting party to child marriage
(1) While granting a decree under section 3, the district court may also make an interim or final order directing the male contracting party to the child marriage, and in case the male contracting party to such marriage is a minor, his parent or guardian to pay maintenance to the female contracting party to the marriage until her remarriage.
(2) The quantum of maintenance payable shall be determined by the district court having regard to the needs of the child, the lifestyle enjoyed by such child during her marriage and the means of income of the paying party.
(3) The amount of maintenance may be directed to be paid monthly or in lump sum.
(4) In case the party making the petition under section 3 is the female contracting party, the district court may also make a suitable order as to her residence until her remarriage.
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- 1 Short title, extent and commencement
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Child marriages to be voidable at the option of contracting party being a child
- 4 Provision for maintenance and residence to female contracting party to child marriage
- 5 Custody and maintenance of children of child marriages
- 6 Legitimacy of children born of child marriages
- 7 Power of district court to modify orders issued under section 4 or section 5
- 8 Court to which petition should be made
- 9 Punishment for male adult marrying a child
- 10 Punishment for solemnising a child marriage
- 11 Punishment for promoting or permitting solemnisation of child marriages
- 12 Marriage of a minor child to be void in certain circumstances
- 13 Power of court to issue injunction prohibiting child marriages
- 14 Child marriages in contravention of injunction orders to be void
- 15 Offences to be cognizable and non-bailable
- 16 Child Marriage Prohibition Officers
- 17 Child Marriage Prohibition Officers to be public servants
- 18 Protection of action taken in good faith
- 19 Power of State Government to make rules
- 20 Amendment of Act No. 25 of 1955
- 21 Repeal and savings