The Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act
No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Controlling authority or any other officer authorised by it in respect of anything in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.
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All sections
- 1 Short title, extent and commencement
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Appointment of Controlling Authority
- 4 Persons or Private Security Agency not to engage or provide private security guard without licence
- 5 Eligibility for licence
- 6 Persons not eligible for licence
- 7 Application for grant of licence
- 8 Renewal of licence
- 9 Conditions for commencement of operation and engagement of supervisors
- 10 Eligibility to be a private security guard
- 11 Conditions of licence
- 12 Licence to be exhibited
- 13 Cancellation and suspension of licence
- 14 Appeals
- 15 Register to be maintained by a private security agency
- 16 Inspection of licence, etc
- 17 Issue of photo identity card
- 18 Disclosure of information to unauthorised person
- 19 Delegation
- 20 Punishment for contravention of certain provisions
- 21 Penalty for unauthorised use of certain uniforms
- 22 Offences by companies
- 23 Indemnity
- 24 Framing of model rules for adoption by States
- 25 Power of State Government to make rules