1Tolls, according to such rates as are, from time to time, fixed by the State Government, shall be levied on all persons, animals, vehicles and other things crossing any river by a public ferry and not employed or transmitted on the public service:
Provided that the State Government may, from time to time, declare that any persons, animals, vehicles or other things shall be exempt from payment of such tolls.
Where the tolls of a ferry have been let under section 8, any such declaration, if made after the date of the2[lease], shall entitle the lessee to such abatement of the rent payable in respect of the tolls as may be fixed by the Commissioner of the division or such other officer as the State Government may, from time to time, appoint in this behalf by name or in virtue of his office.
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1. So much of section 15 is repealed as provides for the exemption from payment of tolls of any persons, animals, vehicles or other things exempted by section 3 of the Indian Tolls (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 (2 of 1901); see section 8 of that Act.
2. Subs. by Act 3 of 1886, s. 1, for "auction" (w.e.f. 29-1-1886).
- 4 Power to declare establish define and discontinue public ferries
- 5 Claims for compensation
- 6 Superintendence of public ferries
- 7 Management may be vested in municipality
- 7A Management may be vested in District Council or District or Local Board
- 8 Letting ferry tolls by auction
- 9 Recovery of arrears from lessee
- 10 Power to cancel lease
- 11 Surrender of lease
- 12 Power to make rules
- 13 Private ferry not to ply within two miles of public ferry without sanction
- 14 Person using approaches, etc., liable to pay toll
- 15 Tolls
- 16 Table of tolls
- 17 Tolls, rents, compensation and fines are to form part of revenues of State
- 18 Compounding for tolls