The Naval and Aircraft Prize Act
13Capture to belong to Central Government
(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2), all prizes captured by the Armed Forces of the Union and condemned where necessary in the Prize Court shall be the exclusive property of the Central Government.
(2) The Central Government may, at its discretion, out of the proceeds of the prize, make a grant of such sum of money as it deems fit to the benevolent funds of the Armed Forces of the Union.
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All sections
- 1 Short title
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Establishment of Prize Courts
- 4 Jurisdiction of Prize Courts in prize cases
- 5 Transfer of cases
- 6 Appeals
- 7 General powers of Prize Courts
- 8 Procedure on capture of prize
- 9 Ship and aircraft papers to be brought in Registry
- 10 Goods
- 11 Preemption
- 12 Prize proceedings not to apply to enemy warships and military aircraft
- 13 Capture to belong to Central Government
- 14 Prize salvage
- 15 Offences in respect of prize
- 16 Indemnity against legal proceedings
- 17 Power to make rules
- 18 Dissolution of Prize Courts
- 19 Repeals
- 20 Savings