The National Cadet Corps Act
Every person enrolled under this Act shall be entitled to receive his or her discharge from the Corps on the expiration of the period for which he or she was enrolled or on his or her ceasing to be borne on the roll of the university or school to which he or she may belong:
Provided that any person enrolled may be discharged at any time by such authority and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
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All sections
- 1 Short title, extent and application
- 2 Definitions
- 3 Constitution of the National Cadet Corps
- 4 Constitution and disbandment of units
- 5 Division of the Corps into Divisions
- 6 Enrolment
- 7 Central Government may raise other units
- 8 Discharge
- 9 Appointment of officers
- 10 Duties of persons subject to this Act
- 11 Punishment for offences under this Act
- 12 Power to appoint Advisory Committees
- 13 Power to make rules