9AFacilities to be provided for occupational health survey
1[9A. Facilities to be provided for occupational health survey.--(1) The Chief Inspector or an Inspector or other officer authorised by him in writing in this behalf may, at any time during the normal working hours of the mine or at any time by day or night as may be necessary, undertake safety and occupational health survey in a mine after giving notice in writing to the manager of the mine; and the owner, agent or manager of the mine shall afford all necessary facilities (including facilities for the examination and testing of plant and machinery, for the collection of samples and other data pertaining to the survey and for the transport and examination of any person employed in the mine chosen for the survey) to such Inspector or officer.
(2) Every person employed in a mine who is chosen for examination in any safety and occupational health survey under sub-section (1) shall present himself for such examination and at such place as may be necessary and shall furnish all information regarding his work and health in connection with the said survey.
(3) The time spent by any person employed in a mine who is chosen for examination in the safety and occupational health survey, shall be counted towards his working time, so however that any overtime shall be paid at the ordinary rate of wages.
Explanation.--For the purposes of this sub-section, "ordinary rate of wages" means the basic wages plus any dearness allowance and underground allowance and compensation in cash including such compensation, if any, accruing through the free issue of foodgrains and edible oils as persons employed in a mine may, for the time being, be entitled to, but does not include a bonus (other than a bonus given as incentive for production) or any compensation accruing through the provision of amenities such as free housing, free supply of coal, medical and educational facilities, sickness allowance, supply of kerosene oil, baskets, tools and uniforms.
(4) Any person who, on examination under sub-section (2), is found medically unfit to discharge the duty which he was discharging in a mine immediately before such presentation shall be entitled to undergo medical treatment at the cost of the owner, agent and manager with full wages during the period of such treatment.
(5) If, after the medical treatment, the person referred to in sub-section (4) is declared medically unfit to discharge the duty which he was discharging in a mine immediately before presenting himself for the said examination and such unfitness is directly ascribable to his employment in the mine before such presentation, the owner, agent and manager shall provide such person with an alternative employment in the mine for which he is medically fit:
Provided that where no such alternative employment is immediately available, such person shall be paid by the owner, agent and manager disability allowance determined in accordance with the rates prescribed in this behalf:
Provided further that where such person decides to leave his employment in the mine, he shall be paid by the owner, agent and manager a lump sum amount by way of disability compensation determined in accordance with the rates prescribed in this behalf.
(6) The rates under the provisos to sub-section (5) shall be determined having regard to the monthly wages of the employees, the nature of disabilities and other related factors.]
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1. Ins. by s. 7, ibid. (w.e.f. 31-5-1984).