84Preparation of assessment register
As soon as possible after the percentage at which the tax is to be levied shall have been determined under section 83, the municipality shall cause to be prepared an assessment register which shall contain the following particulars, and any other matters which the municipality may think proper to include--
(a) number of the holding on the register with the name of the road, if any, in which the holding is situated;
(b) annual value of the holding (as stated in the valuation list);
(c) names of owner and occupier;
(d) amount of tax payable for the financial year;
(e) amount of taxes payable separately under clause (a), (d), (f) or (j) of sub-section (1) of section 75;
(f) amounts of quarterly instalments; and
(g) if the holding is exempted from assessment, a note to that effect.
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- 74 Power to impose taxes by and the funds of the municipalities
- 75 Taxes which may be imposed
- 76 Tax on Government holdings
- 77 Restriction regarding tax on holding
- 78 Collection of taxes are subject to bye-law, etc
- 79 Nagar Panchayat or Council to determine the valuation of holding
- 80 Returns required for ascertaining annual value
- 81 Penalty for default in furnishing return and for obstruction of assessor
- 82 Determination of annual value of holdings
- 83 Determination of rate of tax on holding
- 84 Preparation of assessment register
- 85 Powers to assess consolidated tax for building and land on which it stands
- 86 Reduction of valuation, revision of valuation and assessment and revision of valuation list and assessment register
- 87 Notice to be given to Chairperson of transfers of title of persons liable of payment of tax
- 88 Revisions of valuation list
- 89 Appointment of assessor and power of State Government to direct the appointment of assessor
- 90 Revision of assessment register
- 91 Effect of revision of assessment register
- 92 Exemptions and remission
- 93 Power of assessor
- 94 Publication of notice of assessment
- 95 Application for review
- 96 Procedure for review
- 97 Limitation of time for application for review
- 98 Assessment to be questioned only under Act
- 99 Tax not invalid for want of form
- 100 Procedure for imposing taxes, recovery of claims, etc