37Obligatory functions of the municipality
It shall be the duty of every municipality to make reasonable provision for the following matters within the municipality under its jurisdiction, namely:--
(a) lighting public roads and places;
(b) watering public roads and places;
(c) cleaning public roads, places and sewers and all spaces not being private property, which are open to the enjoyment of the public whether such spaces are vested in the municipality or not, removing noxious vegetation and abating all public nuisance;
(d) removing filth, rubbish, night-soil, odour or any other noxious or offensive matter from privies, latrines, urinals, cess-pools or other common receptacles or such matter in or pertaining to a building or buildings;
(e) extinguishing fires and protecting life and property when fire occurs;
(f) regulating offensive or dangerous trades or practices;
(g) removing obstructions and projections in public roads or places and in spaces not being private property, which are open to the enjoyment of the public whether such spaces are vested in the municipality or belong to the State Government;
(h) securing or removing dangerous buildings or places and reclaiming unhealthy localities;
(i) acquiring, maintaining, changing and regulating places for the disposal of dead bodies and of the carcasses of dead animals;
(j) constructing, altering and maintaining public roads, culverts, municipal boundary marks, markets, slaughter-houses, drains, sewers, drainage-works, sewerage-works, baths, washing-places, drinking-fountains, tanks, wells, dams and the like;
(k) constructing public latrines, privies and urinals;
(l) obtaining a supply or an additional supply of water, proper and sufficient for preventing danger to the health of inhabitants from the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the existing supply;
(m) naming streets and numbering houses;
(n) registering births and deaths;
(o) suitable accommodation for any calves, cows or buffaloes required within the municipality for the supply of animal lymph;
(p) printing such annual reports on the administration of the municipality as may be necessary or as the State Government may by general or special orders require the municipality to print;
(q) making arrangements for preparation of compost manure from night-soil and rubbish; and
(r) establishing and maintaining cattle ponds.
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- 13 Incorporation of Municipal Council
- 14 Municipal administration
- 15 Composition of Council
- 16 Constitution and composition of Wards Committees
- 17 Reservation of seats
- 18 Allocation of reserved seats and delimitation of wards
- 19 Disqualifications for membership
- 20 Oath of office
- 21 Appointment of administrator
- 22 Duration of municipalities, etc
- 23 Every Council to have Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson
- 24 Election of Chairperson
- 25 Election of Vice-Chairperson
- 26 Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson cease to hold office as such
- 27 Filling up of vacancies and term of office of persons filling up the vacancy
- 28 Resignation by Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and Councillor
- 29 Removal of Councillors
- 30 Effect of removal of a Councillor
- 31 No-confidence motion against Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson
- 32 Grant of leave of absence to Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson
- 33 Powers and functions of the Chairperson
- 34 Function of Vice-Chairperson
- 35 Remuneration of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson
- 36 Powers, authority and responsibilities of municipalities
- 37 Obligatory functions of the municipality
- 38 Special duties of municipalities
- 39 Discretionary functions of municipality
- 40 Management of public institution by municipality to vest in it