The Manipur Municipalities Act
191Power to enter upon, possession of houses so repaired
If the municipality under the provisions of this Act shall have caused any repairs to be made to any house or other structure and if such house or other structure be unoccupied, the municipality may enter into possession of the same, and may retain possession thereof until the sum expended by it on the repairs be paid to it.
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- 180 Service of notice
- 181 Reasonable time for act to be fixed
- 182 Service of notice on owner or occupier of land
- 183 Procedure when owners or occupiers are required by Nagar Panchayat or the Council to execute works
- 184 Person required to execute any work may prefer objection to the municipality
- 185 Procedure if person objecting alleges that work will cost more than three thousand rupees
- 186 Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson to make order after hearing objection
- 187 Power of municipality on failure of persons to execute works
- 188 Power to apportion expenses among owners and occupiers
- 189 Apportionment among owners and occupiers
- 190 Occupiers may recover cost of works executed at their expenses from owners
- 191 Power to enter upon, possession of houses so repaired
- 192 Sale of materials of houses pulled down
- 193 Cognizance
- 194 Offences under the Act compoundable
- 195 Power and duties of police in respect of offences
- 196 Appeals from order refusing licences
- 197 Appeals from orders in other cases
- 198 Appeal not to be dismissed without giving reasonable opportunity
- 199 Dispute as to compensation payable by municipality
- 200 Indemnity
- 201 Bar of suits in absence of notice