129Power of a Nagar Panchayat or a Council in case of disobedience
(1) If the construction of a building is started, or if a building is materially altered or erected--
(a) without sanction as required by section 126 (1); or
(b) without notice as required by section 124 (2); or
(c) when sanction has been refused; or
(d) in contravention of the terms of any sanction granted; or
(e) when the sanction has lapsed; or
(f) in contravention of any bye-laws made under clause (vi) of sub-section (1) of section 209,
the Nagar Panchayat or as the case may be, or the Council may, by notice to be delivered within a reasonable time, require the building to be altered or demolished as it may deem necessary, within the period of thirty days from the date of the service of such notice:
Provided that the Nagar Panchayat or as the case may be, or the Council may instead of requiring the alteration or demolition of any such building accept by way of composition such sum as it may deem reasonable.
(2) Any person who fails to comply with a requisition issued by the Nagar Panchayat or as the case may be, or the Council under the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees and to a further fine not exceeding one hundred rupees for every day during which the person continues to make such default after service on him of such requisition.
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- 124 Erection of building without sanction
- 125 Special provision for cases where bye-laws have not been made
- 126 Powers of Nagar Panchayat or the Council to sanction or refuse
- 127 Lapse of sanction
- 128 Penalty for building without or in contravention of sanction
- 129 Power of a Nagar Panchayat or a Council in case of disobedience
- 130 Roofs and external walls not to be made of inflammable materials
- 131 Power to attach brackets for lamps
- 132 Building unfit for human habitation
- 133 Pending of building in dangerous state
- 134 Nagar Panchayat or Council may require owners to pull down ruins
- 135 Penalty for disobeying requisition under sections 133 and 134
- 136 Compensation for prohibition of erection or re-erection