6Power to inspect local lighthouses
(1) The 1[Director-General of Lighthouses and Lightships] may, at any time, and any 2[Director or Deputy Director-General of Lighthouses and lightships] may if authorised in this behalf by a general or special order in writing of the Central Government, enter upon and inspect any local lighthouse and make such inquiries in respect thereof or of the management thereof as he thinks fit.
(2) Every person having the charge of, or concerned in the management of, any lighthouse shall be bound to furnish to any officer authorised by or und er sub-section (1) to inspect the lighthouse all such information regarding the same as the officer may require.
(3) Every local lighthouse authority shall furnish to the Central Government all such returns and other information in respect of the lighthous es under its supervision and management, or of any of them, as the Central Government may require.
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1. Subs. by Act 66 of 1985, s. 5, for "Chief Inspector of Lighthouses" (w.e.f. 1-2-1986).
2. Subs. by s. 5, ibid., for "Superintendent or Inspector of Lighthouses" (w.e.f. 1-2-1986).