The Inland Vessels Act
67Power for State Government to make general rules
(1) The State Government may, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act not otherwise specially provided for.
(2) Any rule made under this section may contain a provision that any person committing a breach of it shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months, or with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees, or with both.
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- 67 Power for State Government to make general rules
- 68 Power for State Government to modify application of Act to certain inland mechanically propelled vessels
- 69 Exemption to Government vessels from fees
- 70 Power for Central Government to define tidal water
- 71 Fees recoverable as fines
- 72 Certificated masters of inland mechanically propelled vessels to be deemed pilots under section 31 of Act 15 of 1908
- 72A Endorsement of certificates and licences granted in Bangladesh
- 73 [Omitted.]
- 74 Publication of rules
- 75 Repeal and saving