The Inland Vessels Act
10Certificate of survey to be affixed in conspicuous part of mechanically propelled vessel
The owner or master of every 1[mechanically propelled vessel], for which a certificate of survey has been granted, shall forthwith, on the receipt of the certificate, cause one of the duplicates thereof to be affixed and kept, affixed so long as it remains in force and the 1[mechanically propelled vessel] is in use, on some conspicuous part of the 1[mechanically propelled vessel] where it may be easily read by all persons on board.
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1. Subs. by Act 35 of 1977, s. 5, for "steam-vessel" (w.e.f. 1-5-1978).
- 3 Inland mechanically propelled vessel not to proceed on voyage or to be used for service without certificate of surve
- 4 Appointment of surveyors and places of survey
- 5 Powers of surveyors
- 6 Fees in respect of surveys
- 7 Declaration of surveyor
- 8 Sending of declaration by owner or master to State Government
- 9 Power for State Government to grant or authorise the grant of certificates of survey
- 9A Temporary permit
- 10 Certificate of survey to be affixed in conspicuous part of mechanically propelled vessel
- 10A Effect of certificates of survey
- 11 Term of certificates of survey
- 12 Renewal of certificates of survey
- 13 Power for State Government to suspend or cancel certificate of survey
- 14 Power for State Government to require delivery of expired or cancelled certificate
- 15 Report of suspension or cancellation of certain certificates
- 16 Power for State Government to direct survey by two surveyors
- 17 Power for State Government to order a second survey
- 18 Division of duties when two surveyors employed
- 19 Power for State Government to make rules as to surveys