The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force Act
106Presumption as to signatures
In any proceeding under this Act, any application, certificate, warrant, reply or other document purporting to be signed by an officer in the service of the Government shall, on production, be presumed to have been duly signed by the person by whom and in the character in which it purports to have been signed, until the contrary is shown.
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- 94 Presiding officer
- 95 Judge Attorneys
- 96 Challenge
- 97 Oaths of member, Judge Attorney and witness
- 98 Voting by members
- 99 General rule as to evidence
- 100 Judicial notice
- 101 Summoning witnesses
- 102 Documents exempted from production
- 103 Commissions for examination of witnesses
- 104 Examination of a witness on commission
- 105 Conviction for offences not charged
- 106 Presumption as to signatures
- 107 Enrolment paper
- 108 Presumption as to certain documents
- 109 Reference by accused to Government officer
- 110 Evidence of previous convictions and general character
- 111 Lunacy of accused
- 112 Subsequent fitness of lunatic accused for trial
- 113 Transmission to Central Government of orders under section 112
- 114 Release of lunatic accused
- 115 Delivery of lunatic accused to relatives
- 116 Order for custody and disposal of property pending trial
- 117 Order for disposal of property regarding which offence is committed
- 118 Powers of Force Court in relation to proceedings under this Act
- 119 Tender of pardon to accomplies
- 120 Trial of person not complying with conditions of pardon