The Indian Treasure-trove Act
11When no other person claims as owner of place, treasure to be given to finder
When a declaration has been made in respect of any treasure as aforesaid, and no person other than the finder of such treasure has appeared as required by the notification published under section 5 and claimed a share of the treasure as owner of the place in which it has been found, the Collector shall deliver such treasure to the finder thereof.
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- 4 Notice by finder of treasure
- 5 Notification requiring claimants to appear
- 6 Forfeiture of right on failure to appear
- 7 Matters to be enquired into and determined by the collector
- 8 Time to be allowed for suit by person claiming the treasure
- 9 When treasure may be declared ownerless
- 10 Proceedings subsequent to declaration
- 11 When no other person claims as owner of place, treasure to be given to finder
- 12 When only one such person claims and his claim is not disputed,treasure to be divided,and shares to be delivered to parties
- 13 In case of dispute as to ownership of place, proceedings to be stayed
- 14 Settlement of such dispute
- 15 And division thereupon
- 16 Power to acquire the treasure on behalf of Government
- 17 Decision of Collector final, and no suit to lie against him for acts done bona fide
- 18 Collector to exercise powers of Civil Court
- 19 Power to make rules