The Indian Nursing Council Act
15BSupply of copies of State registers
Each State Council shall supply to the Council twenty printed copies of the State register as soon as may be after the 1st day of April of each year and inform the Council without delay of all additions to, and other amendments in, the State register made from time to time.
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All sections
- 1 Short title, extent and commencement
- 2 Interpretation
- 3 Constitution and composition of the Council
- 4 Incorporation of the Council
- 5 Mode of elections
- 6 Term of office and casual vacancies
- 7 Meetings
- 8 Officers, committees and servants of the Council
- 9 The Executive Committee
- 10 Recognition of qualifications
- 11 Effect of recognition
- 12 Power to require information as to courses of study and training and examinations
- 13 Inspections
- 14 Withdrawal of recognition
- 15 Mode of declaration
- 15A Indian Nurses Register
- 15B Supply of copies of State registers
- 16 Power to make regulations
- 17 Repealed