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The Indian Museum Act

6Property vested in or placed under the control of the Trustees

(1) All the property, whether movable or immovable, which at the commencement of this Act is held by the Trustees of the Indian Museum constituted by the 1Indian Museum Act, 1876 (22 of 1876) on trust for the purposes of the said Museum shall, together with any such property which may hereinafter be given, bequeathed, transferred or acquired for the said purposes, vest in the Trustees of the Indian Museum constituted by this Act on trust for the purposes of the said Museum:

Provided that the Trustees may expend the capital of any portion of such property which may consist of money on the maintenance, improvement and enlargement of the collections deposited in, presented to or purchased for, the said Museum or otherwise for the purposes of the same as they may think fit.

(2) The Trustees shall have the exclusive possession, occupation and control, for the purposes of such trust, of the land specified in the schedule, including any buildings which may have been, or may hereafter be, erected thereon, other than those portions thereof which have been set apart by the Trustees for the records and offices of the Geological Survey of India.

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1. Rep. by this Act, s. 17.

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