46Liability in respect of actionable wrong
Where, immediately before the appointed day, the Union in connection with the governance of the existing Union territory is subject to any liability in respect of an actionable wrong, other than breach of contract, that liability shall,—
(a) if the cause of action arose wholly within the district of Goa of the existing Union territory, be a liability of the State of Goa; and
(b) in any other case, be initially a liability of the State of Goa but subject to such financial adjustments as may be agreed upon between the State of Goa and the Union, or in default of such agreement, as the Central Government may, by order, direct.
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- 34 Definition
- 35 Land and goods
- 36 Cash balances
- 37 Arrears of taxes
- 38 Right to recover loans and advances
- 39 Investments in and loans, etc., to certain corporate bodies
- 40 Assets and liabilities of State undertakings
- 41 Refund of taxes collected in excess
- 42 Certain deposits
- 43 Provident fund
- 44 Pensions granted by the Administrator, etc
- 45 Contracts
- 46 Liability in respect of actionable wrong
- 47 Liability as guarantor of co-operative societies
- 48 Items in suspense
- 49 Residuary provision
- 50 Apportionment of assets or liabilities by agreement
- 51 Power of Central Government to order allocation or adjustment in certain cases