34Capital allocated to irrigatio
The total amount of capital allocated to irrigation shall be shared between the State Governments as follows, namely:--
(1) the Government concerned shall be responsible for the capital cost of the works constructed exclusively for irrigation in its State; and
(2) the balance of capital cost under irrigation for both the States of Bihar and West Bengal shall be shared by the State Governments in the proportion to their guaranteed annual off-takes of water for agricultural purposes:
Provided that the divisible capital cost under this clause shall be provisionally shared between them in accordance with their previously declared intentions regarding their respective guaranteed off-takes and any payments made accordingly shall be adjusted after the determination of the guaranteed off-takes.
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- 27 Expenditure till the Corporation is established
- 28 Vesting of property in the Corporation
- 29 Fund of the Corporation
- 30 Liabilities of participating Governments to provide capital to the Corporation
- 31 Payment by participating Government on specified date
- 32 Expenditure on objects other than irrigation, power and flood control
- 33 Allocation of expenditure chargeable to project on main objects
- 34 Capital allocated to irrigatio
- 35 Capital allocated to power
- 36 Capital allocated to flood control
- 37 Disposal of profits and deficits
- 38 Payment of interes
- 39 Interest charge and other expenses to be added to and receipts taken for reduction of capital cost
- 40 Provision for depreciation and reserve and other funds
- 41 Corporation's share in betterment levy by State Governments
- 42 . Borrowing of mone
- 43 Liability to pay Central taxes
- 44 Budget
- 45 Annual report
- 46 Other annual financial statements
- 47 Accounts and audit