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The Court-Fees Act

19JRecovery of penalties, etc

1[19J. Recovery of penalties, etc.-- (1) Any excess fee found to be payable on any inquiry held under section 19H, sub-section (6), and any penalty or forfeiture under section 19G, may, on the certificate of the Chief Controlling Revenue-authority, be recovered from the executor or administrator as if it were an arrear of land-revenue by any Collector 2***.

(2) The Chief Controlling Revenue-authority may remit the whole or any part of any such penalty or forfeiture as aforesaid, or any part of any penalty under section 19E or of any court-fee under section 19E in excess of the full court-fee which ought to have been paid.]

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1. Ins. by Act 11 of 1899, s 2.

2. The words "in any part of British India" rep by the A.O. 1948.

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