The Coast Guard Act
43False answers on enrolment
Any person having become subject to this Act who is discovered to have made at the time of enrolment, a wilfully false answer to any question set forth in the prescribed form of enrolment which has been put to him by the enrolling officer before whom he appears for the purpose of being enrolled, shall, on conviction by a Coast Guard Court, be liable to suffer imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
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- 15 Correspondence, etc., with offenders
- 16 Deserting post and neglect of duty
- 17 Mutiny
- 18 Persons on board ship or aircraft seducing Coast Guard personnel from allegiance
- 19 Striking or threatening superior officers
- 20 Disobedience to superior officer
- 21 Ill-treating subordinates
- 22 Quarrelling, fighting and disorderly behaviour
- 23 Certain forms of disgraceful conduct
- 24 Drunkenness
- 25 Desertion and aiding desertion
- 26 Breaking out of ship and absence without leave
- 27 Losing ship or aircraft
- 28 Dangerous unauthorised flying
- 29 Inaccurate certificate
- 30 Low flying and annoyance by flying
- 31 Disobedience of lawful command of captain of an aircraft
- 32 False accusations
- 33 Falsifying official documents and false declarations
- 34 Offences in respect of property
- 35 Damage to property
- 36 Taking unauthorised goods on board
- 37 Offences in respect of papers relating to vessel, craft or aircraft taken into custody
- 38 Offences in respect of vessel, craft or aircraft taken into custody
- 39 Unlawful taking of ransom
- 40 Offences relating to Coast Guard Courts
- 41 Escape from custody
- 42 Violation of the Act, rules and orders
- 43 False answers on enrolment
- 44 Offences against good order and discipline
- 45 Attempt
- 46 Abetment of offences that have been committed
- 47 Abetment of offence punishable with death and not committed
- 48 Abetment of offences punishable with imprisonment and not committed
- 49 Civil offences
- 50 Civil offences not triable by a Coast Guard Court
- 51 Period of limitation for trial of offences under the Act
- 52 Trial, etc., of a person who ceases to be subject to the Act