The Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act
3BBoard of Trustee to be a body corporate
13B. Board of Trustee to be a body corporate.--The board of Trustees constituted under section 3 A shall be a body corporate under the name specified in the notification constituting it, having perpetual succession and a common seal and shall by the said name sue and be sued.]
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1. Ins. by s. 4, ibid. (w.e.f. 1-4-1966).
All sections
- 1 Short title and extent
- 2 Interpretation
- 3 Coal Mines Provident Fund Scheme
- 3A Constitution of Board of Trustees
- 3B Board of Trustee to be a body corporate
- 3C Appointment of officers
- 3D Transfer of accounts
- 3E Coal Mines Pension Scheme
- 3F Special grant by Central Government
- 3G Coal Mines Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme
- 4 Fund to be recognised under Act 43 of 1961
- 5 Coal Mines Bonus Scheme
- 6 Retrospective operation of a scheme
- 7 Modification of a schem
- 7A Schemes to be laid before Parliamen
- 7B Determination of moneys due from employers
- 8 Protection against attachmen
- 9 Penalty
- 10 Inspector
- 10A Mode of recovery of money due from an employe
- 10B Determination of employer in certain cases
- 10C Delegation of power
- 10D Payment of contribution by employers and recovery thereof from member
- 10E Recovery of monies by employers and contractors
- 10F Power to recover damages
- 11 Priority of payment of contributions and bonus over other debt
- 11A Protection for acts done in good faith
- 11B Power to remove difficultie
- 11C Power to exemp
- 11D Act to have effect notwithstanding anything contained in Act 31 of 1956
- 12 Repeal of Ordinance 7 of 1948