16Procedure when owner refuses or omits to pay the fines and expenses
If the owner or his agent appear and refuse or omit to pay or (in the case mentioned in section 15) to deposit the said fines and expenses, the cattle, or as many of them as may be necessary, shall be sold by public auction by such officer at such place and time, and subject to such conditions, as are referred to in section 14.
Deduction of fines and expenses.--The fines leviable and the expenses of feeding and watering, together with the expenses of sale, if any, shall be deducted from the proceeds of the sale.
Delivery of unsold cattle and balance of proceeds.--The remaining cattle and the balance of the purchase-money, if any, shall be delivered to the owner or his agent, together with an account showing--
(a) the number of cattle seized,
(b) the time during which they have been impounded,
(c) the amount of fines and charges incurred,
(d) the number of cattle sold,
(e) the proceeds of sale, and
(f) the manner in which those proceeds have been disposed of.
Receipts.--The owner or his agent shall give a receipt for the cattle delivered to him and for the balance of the purchase-money (if any) paid to him according to such account.
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- 1 Title and extent
- 2 [Repealed.]
- 3 Interpretation clause
- 4 Establishment of pounds
- 5 Control of pounds
- 6 Appointment of pound-keepers. Pound-keepers may hold other offices. Pound-keepers to be public servants
- 7 To keep registers and furnish returns
- 8 To register seizures
- 9 To take charge of and feed cattle
- 10 Cattle damaging land
- 11 Cattle damaging public roads, canals and embankments
- 12 Fines for cattle impounded
- 13 Procedure when owner claims the cattle and pays fines and charges
- 14 Procedure if cattle be not claimed within a week
- 15 Delivery to owner disputing legality of seizure but making deposit
- 16 Procedure when owner refuses or omits to pay the fines and expenses
- 17 Disposal of fines, expenses and surplus proceeds of sale
- 18 [Repealed.]
- 19 Officers and pound-keepers not to purchase cattle at sales under Act
- 20 Power to make complaints
- 21 Procedure on complaint
- 22 Compensation for illegal seizure or detention
- 23 Recovery of compensation
- 24 Penalty for forcibly opposing the seizure of cattle or rescuing the same
- 25 Recovery of penalty for mischief committed by causing cattle to trespass
- 26 Penalty for damage caused to land or crops or public roads by pigs
- 27 Penalty on pound-keeper failing to perform duties
- 28 Application of fines recovered under section 25, 26 or 27
- 29 Saving of right to sue for compensation
- 30 Set-off
- 31 Power for State Government to transfer certain functions to local authority