267Power to transfer by public auction, etc
(1) The Board may transfer by public auction, for any period not exceeding five years at a time, the right to occupy or use any stall, shop, standing, shed or pen in a public market, or public slaughter-house or the right to expose goods for sale in a public market or the right to weigh or measure goods sold therein, or the right to slaughter animals in any public slaughter-house:
Provided that where the Board is of opinion that such transfer of the aforesaid rights by public auction is not considered desirable or expedient, it may, with the previous sanction of the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command or in his absence, the Principal Director,--
(a) either levy such stallages, rents or fees as it thinks fit; or
(b) farm the stallages, rents and fees leviable under clause (a) for any period not exceeding one year at a time:
Provided further that the enjoyment of any such aforesaid right by any person for any length of time shall never be deemed to create or confer any tenancy right in such stall, shop, standing, shed, pen, public market or public slaughter-house.
(2) The Board may transfer by public auction or otherwise any immovable property other than in a public market or a public slaughter house if such property is capable of being put to remunerative use for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, the Command or in his absence, the Principal Director.
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- 265 Public markers and slaughter-houses
- 266 Use of public market
- 267 Power to transfer by public auction, etc
- 268 Stallages, rents, etc., to be published
- 269 Private markets and slaughter-houses
- 270 Conditions of grant of licence for private market or slaughter-house
- 271 Penalty for keeping market or slaughter-house open without licence, etc
- 272 Penalty for using unlicensed market or slaughter-house
- 273 Prohibition and restriction of use of slaughter-house
- 274 Power to inspect slaughter-houses
- 275 Power to regulate certain activities