The Air Force Act
90Collective fines
(1) Whenever any weapon or part of a weapon forming part of the equipment of a unit or detachment is lost or stolen, the officer commanding such unit or detachment may, after obtaining the report of a Court of inquiry, impose a collective fine upon the warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of such unit, or upon so many of them as, in his judgment, should be held responsible for such loss, or theft.
(2) Such fine shall be assessed as a percentage on the pay of the individuals on whom it falls.
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- 73 Punishments awardable by courts-martial
- 74 Alternative punishments awardable by court-martial
- 75 Combination of punishments
- 76 Cashiering of officer
- 77 Field punishment
- 78 Position of field punishment in scale of punishment
- 79 Result of certain punishments in the case of a warrant officer or a non-commissioned office
- 80 Retention in the ranks of a person convicted on active service
- 81 Punishments otherwise than by court-martia
- 82 Punishment of persons other than officers and warrant officers
- 83 Requirement of sanction in certain case
- 84 Limit of punishments under section 82
- 85 Punishments in addition to those specified in section 8
- 86 Punishment of officers and warrant officers
- 87 Transmission of proceedings
- 88 Review of proceeding
- 89 Superior air force authorit
- 90 Collective fines